Monday, August 2, 2010
Summer 2010
----With only a month left of my summer, and months of absence, I found it necessary to bring a little life back to my blog. In all honesty, I have been busy. Photography has taken up the majority of my summer, and some of the most amazing things have come out of the hobby that I am now calling my summer job. I have had the opportunity to work with some amazing people and travel to beautiful locations just because of the simple fact that I enjoy photography and catching memories for others. Montana was one of the most amazing and unforgettable experiences I have ever had, and this chance of a lifetime gave me beautiful photos, many new friends, and the opportunity to shoot a wedding in Canada next summer!
----I can tell through simply writing one paragraph of text that I have completely lost my touch as a writer. You see, there was a time last year when I was posting monthly, weekly, even daily. Well, with summer, that persistence went out the window, and the beer drinking came on a little too strong. I have had fun, too much fun, and I am not apologizing for my absence, simply making numerous excuses, most of them bullshit, as to why I have been away.
----Summer 2010 has been great. No lies there. I have spent time with awesome friends, learned a little about myself, and taken some pretty kick-ass photos! I drank some beer, some wine, some mixers. I sat around a campfire, or 50. I had good talks with the people that are close to me. I drove up north to sell sweet corn. I milked some cows. I had a reunion with a friend that had been away for 6 months. I have, I have, I have. I did a lot this summer, and there is still a month left. My brother will be married before summer 2010 is done and over with, and I cannot wait for that day. Alyssa is a great girl, and they will be so perfect for each other.
----So, it has been fun, it will be fun, and the memories of Summer 2010 will probably be with me for some time to come. What has this blog post shown me? It has shown me that my writing has gone to shit, my thought processes are completely f*cked, and that the thought of writing a paper this fall scares the SHIT out of me. So what do I do now? Well, I think a good place start would be putting down the beer, begin to hopefully regenerate some of the many destroyed brain cells, and start to write more. Why? Because I miss writing. I miss thinking. I miss making my mind work a little more than it does on a daily basis, which isn't much. I'll be back to school soon, and writing will no longer be optional. So why not write while it's leisure, write while it's fun, and write for the sake of writing. Cliche? Yes. Bullshit? Maybe.
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